Little Critter : You Go First . A must read for #Kindergarten from Harper Collins !

Considering the amount of books I have reviewed on my blog ( book reviews), I can go on and say that books are given great importance in our house and thus reading has become a regular activity at home. My son reads pretty well for his age and books speak to him. Over the years he has learned to listen to the voice of books. I jump in when I see a good book as I know it will have a positive influence on him.

You Go First by Mercer Meyer is one such book where thoughts are kindled through a crit-terrific story told in simple words. The story kept my 5 yr old's attention till the end. It is a must read for a kindergartner as their day at school revolves a lot around being "first". Who will be the first in the line? who will get to the lunch room first? Who will finish their snack first? While some competition is healthy, children will learn from this story that it also courteous, gentle and self-less to allow someone else to be ahead of them and take turns. They will be surprised to learn that this behavior can actually boost friendships.

 Unhealthy competition can ruin friendships. It can never be  too early in life to learn this important skill ! You will not regret buying this gem of a book. It can be read many times to reinstate the message.

Buy it from for $4.17 or add it to your wishlist. Santa might see it !

Disclosure: I received a sample for review purpose only. No monetary compensation was received. The above post reflects my personal opinion.



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