Christmas Cheer # 1: Sprout Watches ( Review+G) 11/22

This post is a part of Christmas Cheer, a Holiday Gift Event, that will run on my blog from Nov 1-30.

I am honored to feature a green, eco-friendly product as my "premier" review and giveaway for Christmas Cheer.

I love to promote eco-friendly products to create more alertness among the masses and let them know what choices are available to them. Little did I know that there could be an eco-friendly watch! Now lets face it, how many of us wish to be proud owners of those fancy watches and dream of owning "that" piece that caught your eye in the mall ! Let me give you some news that will be sweet to your ears :)

How about a watch that is fancy, smart, elegant AND eco-friendly? It's Sprout Watches. Hubby and I always look for comfort and quality before fashion.So Sprout Watches was all that we needed and what more I could ask for when Sprout Watches are 80-86% eco-friendly.

What makes Sprout Watches eco-friendly? It is the material they use. 

Here is some eco-food for thought about the material used, from Sprout Watches:

Corn Resin :
  • The shelf life of corn resin is similar to synthetic plastics. It will not break down during regular wear and use.
  •  In a composite environment, corn resin is 99% biodegradable to carbon dioxide and water within 365 days.Since it’s made from corn, it comes from a renewable resource.
  • Corn resin is bio-based, it therefore uses no oil resources in production 
Organic Cotton:
  • Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment and is grown without the use of toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
  •  Bamboo is considered eco-friendly based on its properties as 1) a natural (nonsynthetic) fiber, 2) a quick-growth plant (it's in the grass family) that sequesters greenhouse gases, and 3) a renewable plant that can grow back after its three to five year harvesting period.
Mineral Crystal:
  • Most lenses in the medium price range of watches are made from plexiglass, a type of synthetic plastic. Sprout® lenses are made from Mineral crystal which is a type of glass made from sand. It can technically be recycled.
Mercury Free Battery:
  • Mercury is actually a neurotoxin, which is harmful to both animals and humans. Exposure to even small amounts of mercury over a long period may cause negative health effects including damage to the brain, kidney, lungs and a developing baby. Sprout® watches use only Mercury Free batteries.
Recycled Fibres:
  • Sprout® packaging is made from at least 80% post consumer fibers. It is both recycled and recyclable.
I am so glad to have found Sprout Watches as I know this can make a wonderful and a thoughtful gift for my friends and family. I chose to review this smart looking watch for hubby in khaki and olive green.
It has the most comfortable strap, water resistant construction and looks sturdier than any watch I have seen. I like that fact that the dial has numbers - a perfect combination of traditional and contemporary. It is so light that you would hardly feel that you are wearing a watch.

But like you take care of every watch you own, Sprout Watches suggests too avoid any unwanted condensation, watches of all specifications (water resistant or not) should not be exposed to extreme temperatures such as cold or heat.

Sprout Watches are very affordable in price. I think it is true that it is easier for people to buy eco-friendly products if they are reasonably priced. For the excellent quality exhibited, Sprout Watches are rightly priced. Thank you Sprout Watches for inventing your amazing line with sustainable resources. This is one of the brands that I will introduce my children to.

Hop over and see who would be the lucky recipient of this beautiful watch this Christmas in your family! Do you have a bubbly teenager who is vibrant with life ? Check out this watch in  dark poppy red color.

I love this Cornflower Blue color! So sweet !
Sport this Forest Green watch for a casual yet trendy look.Perfect gift for anyone!

If I had a daughter I would get her this as a Christmas gift to show her my love and also demonstrate how to be stylish yet kind to the earth. The subtle pink and the numbers ( I love numbers!) are sure to add some style to the wrist.

Some men like bright colors, some don't. Sprout Watches come in bright and mild colors so that everyone gets their choice and most importantly happy to look at their watch! My dad is someone who would prefer this slate grey and charcoal color combo.

Buy it for your loved ones this Christmas! Sprout Watches are available from $24 -$65 on Sprout Watches, Amazon and Nordstorm.

Let's choose these green gifts this Holiday Season and show the earth some love!

Sprout Watches is giving 1 lucky winner a chance to win this  lovely watch in Turquoise and bright green.
Here's how you can win it:

Mandatory entry:

- Visit Sprout Watches and leave a comment on what feature you like the best.
- Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect.

Extra Entries ( 1 entry each, leave separate comments):

- Like "Sprout Watches" on Facebook  and post on their wall on what feature you like the best about Sprout Watches.
- Like "Toddler Tales by Mommy" Facebook badge on my blog page ( upper right side bar)

- Become "Toddler Tales by Mommy"'s friend on Facebook.

- Follow "
Sprout Watches" on Twitter

- Follow "Toddler Tales by Mommy" on Twitter.

- Subscribe to Sprout Watches by email ( bottom right side of the page)

- Follow on Networked blogs.

- Subscribe to my blog by email and you won't miss any of the giveaways!

Bonus Entry ( 2 entries each, leave separate comments) 

- Tweet about this giveaway once a day ( Enter to win a Sprout Watch @TTByM- #giveaway)
This Giveaway is open to US and Canada until Nov 22, 2010.Random Generator will choose a winner and winner will be announced on Nov 23, 2010.There is no limit to the no.of times that you can win on my blog! Feel free to enter all Giveaways even if you have won before!

(Disclaimer: Thanks to Sprout Watches for sending me the featured product for review purpose. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way.All opinions expressed here are only my own.)


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CarolynW said...

I LOVE the purple and green watch. ST/1011LVIVPR

FEATURE: the mercury free battery - we have a bucket in the garage we are filling to take to our local depot for proper disposale - would be nice to not have to add another battery into the bucket!

FOLLOWED: as ContestQueen

carolynw at imedge dot net

CarolynW said...

Improved your tweet :)

Enter to #win an eco-friendly prize from @SproutWatches & @TTByM- #giveaway #contest (CAN & US, ends NOV 22)

You can also use:

Enter to #win an eco-friendly prize from @SproutWatches & @TTByM- #giveaway (CAN & US, ends NOV 22) Please RT.

RTd as both @ContestQueen & @Lucky_Yogini

carolynw at imedge dot net

CarolynW said...

followed Sprout Watches on Twitter as @Lucky_Yogini

carolynw at imedge dot net

CarolynW said...

sent friend request to Esther Nat from Carolyn Wilman on Facebook

carolynw at imedge dot net

CarolynW said...

LIKEd Sprout Watches on Facebook and posted comment on their page - Carolyn Wilman

carolynw at imedge dot net

Unknown said...

i like the olive green and khaki watch and the pink watch for my daughter...she loves pink

CarolynW said...

Followed TTByM on Twitter as @ContestQueen

carolynw at imedge dot net

CarolynW said...

Followed TTByM on Networked Blogs as Carolyn Wilman

carolynw at imedge dot net

Empty Nester said...

There is no way to narrow the likable features to one--I like all the features, styles, and colors and I'm sure each of our 4 daughters would love to have one! That being said, I really like that they have made their packaging from recycled materials and that it is recyclable.

I already follow you on GFC!

Empty Nester said...

I 'liked' Sprout Watches on Facebook and posted: " Bringing you Christmas Cheer from Toddler Tales by Mommy".

Empty Nester said...

I liked your facebook badge!

Empty Nester said...

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Empty Nester said...

I subscribed to Sprout Watches by email (

Empty Nester said...

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Empty Nester said...

I already subscribe to your blog by email so that I won't miss any of your wonderful giveaways!

Elizabeth said...

blog follower

I love that the watch has a Mercury Free Battery

Elizabeth said...

Like Sprout Watches on FB and commented on their wall

Elizabeth said...

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Elizabeth said...

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Elizabeth said...

tweet- entry 1

Elizabeth said...

tweet- entry 2

Amber said...

I love that they use corn resin and bamboo to make parts of the watch. That is definitely innovative :)

Amber said...

I like sprout watches on fb and left a comment on their wall! (amber lynn)

Amber said...

Send Friend request on fb (amber lynn)

Amber said...

follow sprout watches on twitter @aly3360

Amber said...

following you on twitter @aly3360

Amber said...


Amber said...

tweet entry #2

Unknown said...

I follow!

fabulousdeals1 @ gmail

Marci said...

My favorite is the Mercury Free Battery. I am also a follower on GFC.

Marci said...

Liked "Sprout Watches" on Facebook and posted on their wall " Bringing you Christmas Cheer from Toddler Tales by Mommy".

Marci said...

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Marci said...

Following Sprout Watches on Twitter


4 Lettre Words said...

Okay...that corn resin thing is just too cool! Wow. I want one!!

Marci said...

I tweeted entry #1

Marci said...

tweeted entry #2

Christine said...

wow, cool watch. I am a big fan of renewable sources such as bamboo and corn. and, my neighborhood is surrounded by cotton fields, don't I wish they were organic!!!!!

JoDee Martin said...

I added your giveaway to my site with the list of giveaways-

Unknown said...

I'm following via GFC. I really like the variety of styles of watches- for boys/girls AND women/men. One thing I looked for on the site is where the watches are manufactured. If the watches are shipped over from Asia, then the green factor is certainly less. Thanks for the giveaway1

KristinMarieCA said...

I like that there are no oil resources used to make the watch - and oh my gosh, it's so cute!
Following on GFC :)

KristinMarieCA said...

I liked and then posted on the Sprout FB wall (Kristin McKinley)

kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Following Sprout watches on Twitter (@Born2BeMom)

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Following TTBM on Twitter (@Born2BeMom)

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...


KristinMarieCA said...

Tweeted #2!!/Born2BeMom/status/29579068173

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

Amber said...

daily tweet

OrangeHeroMama said...

Love the corn resin and the amazing colours that it comes in!!

christyplus2 AT gmail DOT com

OrangeHeroMama said...

i follow you on twitter!

christyplus2 AT gmail DOT com

LaVonne said...

I also like the mercury free battery. It is always nice when companies use sustainable products too.

I am your newest follower via GFC.

LaVonne said...

I now follow Sprout Watches via Twitter. @longwait4bella is my username.

LaVonne said...

I also follow you via Twitter. @longwait4bella is my username.

LaVonne said...

Tweet entry #1!/LongWait4Bella/statuses/395785539690497

LaVonne said...

Tweet entry #2!/LongWait4Bella/statuses/395785539690497

Unknown said...

I love all of the bright colors and the fact that these are so environmentally friendly!

I'm following you via gfc.

Unknown said...

I added you as a facebook friend.

Unknown said...

Following you via networked blogs!

Alison @ Welcome Sunshine Home said...

My favorite feature on Sprout is all the fun colors to choose from!

I'm a follower!


Niecey said...

I follow your blog via google friend connect - Niecey


My favorite features are Certified Organic Cotton Strap and mercury free battery

Niecey said...

I like Sprout Watches on facebook and commented on their wall about my favorite feature
Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I like your FB badge
Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I added you as a friend on facebook
Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I follow Sprout Watches on twitter

Niecey said...

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Niecey said...

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Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I tweeted!/goodieslist/status/712144005894144

Niecey said...

I tweeted!/goodieslist/status/712144005894144

Unknown said...

My favorite feature is the bamboo makes it so unique as well as pretty and eco-friendly.

I'm a GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following Sprout on Facebook: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm your pending Facebook friend: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following Sprout on Twitter @auntiethesis
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter @auntiethesis
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Subscribed to Sprout emails
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following you on Networked Blogs: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I clicked the Facebook "like" at the top of your page: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I subscribed to Toddler Tales by Mommy via email
shel704 at aol dot com

CarolynW said...


P.S. Improved tweet to get better traction :) Hope it helps you!

Bacallsmom said...

My favorite feature is their mercury-free batteries.

bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Bacallsmom said...

Following you with Google Friend Connect (Bacallsmom)

Bacallsmom said...

Following Sprout Watches on Twitter (@kailua67)

Bacallsmom said...

Following your blog on Twitter (@kailua67)

Bacallsmom said...

Subscribed to Sprout by e-mail (bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)

Bacallsmom said...

Following you on Networked Blogs (Susie Randle)

Bacallsmom said...

Subscribed to your blog by e-mail (bbentry [at] aol [dot] com)

Chelsey said...

The feature I like best (beside the great look!) is that the company isn't claiming to be something they're not. They say "We aren’t environmentalists, we are a watch company, and so we figure one of the best ways to be a greener company is to make a greener watch."

I follow you.

Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

I follow Sprout Watches on twitter. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

I follow you on twitter. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said...

entry 2 mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

suzie said...

I like that the lens's are made from mineral glass which is glass rather than plastic

suzie said...

suzie said... #2

Jackie said...

I pretty much love everything about them - mercury free battery, made of recycled fibers, lots of colors to choose from!!!!!

I"m a GFC follower of your blog now

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow u on twitter @domesticgreen

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow sprout watches on twitter @domesticgreen

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow your blog on networked blogs

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I tweeted
entry 1

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

i tweeted entry 2

jbuccigross at gmail dot com

mogrill said...

I really like the Bamboo dial.
Thanks for the chance.

Tabathia B said...

gfc follower & the fact that sprout packaging is made from at least 80% post consumer fibers
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

liked badge
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

fb friend (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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twitter follower(chelleb36)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

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tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tweet #1
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tweet #2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Daily Tweet #1!/Born2BeMom/status/1630378401992704

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Daily Tweet #2!/Born2BeMom/status/1630378401992704

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Now a TTBM Email subscriber :)

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

409cope said...

I follow through google friend and I like the Natural Bamboo Dials the most.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I like Sprout Watches on facebook.and commented.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I am a pending facebook friend.Shari D cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I follow Sprout Watches on twitter as 409cope.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I follow you on twitter as 409cope.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I subscribe to Sprout Watches emails.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I tweeted entry #1- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I tweeted entry #2- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

CarolynW said...

carolynw at imedge dot net

Pip444 said...

I love that it has a Mercury Free Battery
Follow you on GFC

Pip444 said...

Like "Sprout Watches" on Facebook and left comment

Pip444 said...

Like "Toddler Tales by Mommy" Facebook badge

Pip444 said...

Toddler Tales by Mommy"'s friend on Facebook.

Pip444 said...

Follow "Sprout Watches" on Twitter @3Lilacs

Pip444 said...

Follow "Toddler Tales by Mommy" on Twitter.

Pip444 said...

Subscribe to Sprout Watches by email

Pip444 said...

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Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

KristinMarieCA said...

Daily Tweet 1 -!/Born2BeMom/status/2051458371424256

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

KristinMarieCA said...

Daily Tweet 2 -!/Born2BeMom/status/2051458371424256

Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

suzie said...

Amber said...

Daily tweet

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

Chelsey said... mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

suzie said...

Amber said...


sweetsue said...

I love that there are enough styles and color combinations to please everyone!
smchester at gmail dot com

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

CarolynW said...

carolynw at imedge dot net

Amber said...

Daily tweet

missbobloblaw said...

I follow w/GFC
and like that Bamboo is a product used in these watches!

missbobloblaw said...

I follow sprout watches on twitter

missbobloblaw said...

I follow you on twitter

missbobloblaw said...

daily tweet #1

missbobloblaw said...

daily tweet #2

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

ArtisansintheAndes said...

I followed you on twitter
A watch would be fabulous for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

Finally- an affordable natural watch!

suzie said...

Amber said...

Daily tweet

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

zukey7 said...

I like that people with allergies can where these.

missbobloblaw said...

daily tweet

suzie said...

Amber said...

Daily tweet

Unknown said...

I like that it is an environmentally friendly timepiece which has been designed to have the smallest possible impact on the earth and the environment.

I follow you publicly via GFC-DanelleJohnson
danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Liked "Toddler Tales by Mommy" Facebook badge-DanelleJohns

danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow/like you on FB-DanelleJohns

danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow/like you on Twitter-DanelleJohns(Danelle)

danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow/like Sprout Watches on Twitter-DanelleJohns(Danelle)
danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am an email subscriber of Sprout Watches

danellejohns at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you publicly on networked blogs-Danelle

danellejohns at gmail dot com

Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

beverly said...


suzie said...

409cope said...

daily tweet- cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I like the mother of pearl face
I am a GFC Follower
Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

I "like" you on Facebook
Pamela Olsen

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter @1outnumberedmom

Unknown said...

I follow them on twitter @1outnumberedmom

Unknown said...

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Pip444 said...

Pip444 said...

Monique said...

Of course my favorite feature is that they are eco-friendly :)

Unknown said...

Follow them on FB (smile a day giveaways)
and posted favorite feature as bamboo face plates

jakellcth@msn. com

Unknown said...

- Like "Toddler Tales by Mommy" Facebook
jakellcth@msn. com (smile a day giveaways)

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