Training wheels out, Balance bikes IN!
Believe me when I say this, training wheels are becoming primitive slowly and the more practical and trendy concept of using balance bikes are taking over.
Balance bikes not only reduce frustration in learning balance but also make it so full of fun that the child would never feel like he/she is made to learn how to ride a bike. They just go cruising and gliding in it and my son, within a month learnt how to ride a bike sans training wheels. But of course, they need to keep using the balance bike for a while so that they do not loose touch.
We were pretty excited to try the YBike Extreme and we wanted our son to keep using it at home during winter so that he will remember his balancing act when we take the bikes out in summer.
Tests in Germany and other countries clearly show the benefits of not using balancing aids (training wheels / stabilizers) on small bikes for children. The use of such balancing aids proved to stunt the gross motor skill development of a young child. In short, it is not beneficial to have your child play on bicycles with balancing aids. Children learn balance on Balance Bikes, and can then progress to bicycles without the aid of stabilizers. YBike extreme has to be the most appealing design of a balance bike on the market today.
Assembly was pretty easy and some tools were provided to assemble the bike. It is a sturdy bike that can be used to learn balance. My son is 3.5 yrs old and the height is perfect for him. He has been riding it for a few weeks now and loves it! It requires very less effort from a parent's side to teach balance. This could be the only bike they need before having a real bike.
- Lightweight but strong aluminum Frame
- Rubber over-mould wheels, great comfort and grip with no punctures
- Larger wheels, Designed for safer play and easier riding on uneven surfaces
- Higher ground clearance means the frame won’t get caught on uneven ground providing a safer ride
- Older child fork rake means safer steering
- Cartridge wheel bearings giving great long-lasting durability and a smooth ride
- Comfy beam saddle so your child can slide up closer to the handlebar and slide back as they grow taller
- Indestructible build quality means a lightweight but long lasting bike
The bike is really light for a toddler to handle. My son doesn't need help to pick-it up when he falls.Wheels are hassle free from having to pump air often. The seat is pretty cool and comfortable even though it appears to be very thin. The seat is not adjustable as the child grows. But the idea is that as the child grows he/she will learn to use a normal bike and pedal to and fro and this balance bike will be just for fun and adventure rides in and around the house.
I found that the handle bar doesn't completely turn when he wants to turn to the left / right. My son was often seen to lift and turn the front wheel or the bike as whole. It did not stop him from enjoying the bike nor does it hinder learning balance. But a good, complete turn will help in easy manoeuvre.
YBike in action !
He has already learnt how to ride a normal bike, thanks to the use of balance bikes! However he likes to alternate between a normal bike and the balance bike so that he keeps in touch with balance. Come winter, he won't be able to ride his normal bike.Chances are there that he will forget how to balance in summer and the YBike will help him refresh his balancing skills and he will be happy to do so with little to no frustration. He is happy to ride it indoors too!
YBike in action !
He has already learnt how to ride a normal bike, thanks to the use of balance bikes! However he likes to alternate between a normal bike and the balance bike so that he keeps in touch with balance. Come winter, he won't be able to ride his normal bike.Chances are there that he will forget how to balance in summer and the YBike will help him refresh his balancing skills and he will be happy to do so with little to no frustration. He is happy to ride it indoors too!
The YBike Extreme is a fantastic bike for a toddler and preschooler. It retails for CAD $119 at Active Play Toys & Games and for USD $89.99 at YBike USA.
Gift it:
YBike Extreme will make a great Christmas Gift for children ages 3+. Let them find it under the tree!
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not sure if the tweet link worked:
taraz9 at excite dot com
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