PBS Kids: Caillou's Summer Vacation (R+G) 6/20

Caillou has never ceased to interest my little one. He has been a sweet fan of adorable Caillou since he was really small - like 18 months. I think it is the voice and curiosity of Caillou that draws little fans to watch him on screen. Oh and his little sister Rosy is as adventurous as Caillou who is happy to be an exemplary big- brother. If you have a preschooler , they will love Caillou to bits just like my son does!

PBS Kids has launched this new DVD just in time for summer. Caillou's Summer Vacation is packed with 13 very interesting episodes where Caillou goes places where adventures await him. He travels with his family to the beach, camping and they all have a great family picnic. Captain Caillou was quite thrilling for my son! Caillou encourages imagination and creativity as he imagines himself at the South Pole  as he enjoys a cold, cold ice cream on a hot summer day. 

This DVD has a lot to offer and runs for 110 minutes. It is a wonderful DVD for children to watch as it is totally adorable and great for learning too.

Thanks to PBS Kids for offering my readers a chance to win  "Caillou's Summer Vacation" DVD.

Here's how you can win it:

Please ensure that your email is mentioned in all or at least 2 of your entries.
Mandatory Entry:

- Follow my blog on GFC
Additional entries ( 1 entry each, leave a comment)

- Fan Caillou on Facebook
- Follow PBS Kids on Twitter
- Follow "Toddler Tales by Mommy" on Twitter.
- Follow on Networked blogs
- Become an email subscriber
- Enter any other giveaway ( 2 entries)

This Giveaway is open to US & Canada until June 20, 2011.Random Generator will choose a winner.
(Disclaimer: Thanks to PBS Kids and the PR firm for sending me the featured product for review purpose. I was not monetarily compensated for this review. Please note that the review was not influenced by the Sponsor in any way.All opinions expressed here are only my own.)


LaVonne said... 1

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Lu said... 5

My son LOVES Caillou!! I would love to win this! Please enter me. I follow through google friend connect!

lusravesandrants AT gmail DOT com

Angie B said... 6

I follow with GFC. My 2 yr old absolutely LOVES Calliou. So glad I found this giveaway
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Jessica said... 17

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candace said... 25

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GFC Follower!!!!


Unknown said... 33

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Jacqueline S said... 51

I am a follower on GFC as JackieSampson
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GARIANNE said... 57

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GARIANNE said... 59

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Tara said... 60

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Kimberly said... 64

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Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

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Kimberly said... 66

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Kkrasowski at comcast dot net

Anonymous said... 67

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